UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

UberMenu – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin

Author: sevensparkPrice: $29

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UberMenu Reviews

The Ultimate WordPress Menu

UberMenu™ is a user-friendly, highly customizable, responsive Mega Menu WordPress plugin. It works out of the box with the WordPress 3 Menu System, making it simple to get started but powerful enough to create highly customized and creative mega menu configurations.

  • Fully Responsive
  • Mega or Flyout Submenus
  • Compatible with Mobile devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android
  • Touch-enabled
  • Build advanced submenu layouts with the built in column grid system

Easy to use

  • Rapidly develop Mega Menus from your pages, posts, custom links, or any content!
  • Works out of the box with most WordPress 3 Menu-Enabled Themes
  • Integrates directly with the WordPress 3 Menu Management System – work with the system that you know and love!

Fully Configurable

  • Dropdown CSS3 Transitions
    Shift Up, Slide Down, Fade, or None
  • Trigger Hover, Hover Intent, or Click
  • Includes 25 popular Google Fonts
  • Vertical or Horizontal menus
  • Multiple UberMenus can be configured independently

Responsive & Mobile

  • Responsive layout
  • Configurable Breakpoint
  • Unified Touch Experience across OSes (includes touch support for iOS, Android, and Windows 8 )
  • Optional submenu close buttons on touch
  • Independently placeable responsive toggle
  • Hide items for different screen sizes

Tabbed Submenus

  • Tabs can be oriented left, right, top, or bottom of content panels
  • Click, Hover, or Hover Intent can be configured independently from the main trigger
  • Static or Dynamic content

Easy to Customize

  • Tweak menu colors, sizes, and fonts with the Customizer’s Live Preview
  • Customize individual menu items’ styles right from the Menu Item Settings
  • Simplified CSS selectors make writing custom styles a breeze
  • Includes LESS stylesheets for developers

Advanced Content

  • Images
  • Descriptions
  • Posts Grid
  • Search bar
  • Shortcodes
  • Widgets
  • Google Maps
  • Contact Forms (with Contact Form 7 plugin)
  • Custom HTML
  • Tabbed content

Dynamic Items

  • Generate items from post or term content
  • Works with Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types
  • Works with Categories, Terms, and Custom Taxonomies
  • Filter results by type, term, parent/ancestor, author, etc
  • Set maximum results, sort order
  • Automatically inherit featured images
  • Automatically divide results into columns

Advanced Submenu Layouts

  • Built-in responsive grid
  • Individually configure the width of each column, or set a default for each submenu
  • Columns wrapper to group multiple items
  • Row items allow centering of submenu contents
  • Set background images for each submenu
  • Optional scrollable submenus for extended content

Integration Options

  • Automatic integration for themes that meet the requirements
  • Manual integration code generated in the Control Panel for themes that do not support automatic integration
  • Includes an UberMenu widget to place UberMenu in your theme’s widgetized areas
  • UberMenu Shortcode allows placement within site content (generator included)

Works great with

  • ShiftNav Mobile Menu
  • Bellows Accordion Menu
  • Menu Management Enhancer
  • Menu Swapper

And much more!

  • Independently override trigger on each menu item
  • Scroll-to-section functionality
  • PHP & Javascript API for developers


  • WordPress 3.9+
  • Use of the WordPress 3 Menu System
  • For Automatic Integration, a theme that meets the Requirements
  • jQuery 1.11+ (any site running WordPress 3.9+ should be using this)

Important Notes

  • UberMenu will not automatically adopt the style of your theme, unless your theme has an UberMenu-specific stylesheet. You’ll need to customize the styles on your own to recreate it if that’s what you want
  • If your theme has not properly implemented WordPress 3 Menus, UberMenu may not work out of the box due to interference from the theme. You can add it to your site with a line of code via Manual Integration. See Will UberMenu work with my theme?

Support Resources

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If you have questions beyond the Knowledgebase or Video Tutorials, the Support Center is available to you. Please note that all support requests must be submitted through the support center, and questions through all other channels (including Item Comments, Emails, Facebook, Twitter, etc) will be referred there. Thanks for your cooperation! (You can click the “Support” tab at the top of this page for more details on support)

Mobile Menu Alternatives

UberMenu is fully responsive and provides its own mobile menu. However, if you’d like to separate your mobile menu from UberMenu, we offer a free solution which complements your UberMenu installation:


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UberMenu Extensions

Did you previously purchase UberMenu extensions (Sticky, Conditionals, Icons, Flat Skins) through Envato? They are still available, maintained, updated, and supported – please see this article for details on the move: UberMenu Extensions now available exclusively through sevenspark.com


Always read the update instructions!

v3.8.3 (May 16, 2024)

Security: Sanitize output to patch XSS vulnerability for [ubermenu-search], [ubermenu_toggle], [ubermenu-col], and [ubermenu_mobile_close_button] shortcodes (requires untrusted user with Contributor+ credentials to exploit).  Credit to stealthcopter for discovery - thanks!
Fix: Submenu footer positioning corner case clearance issue on mobile
Fix: Tabs > Dynamic Terms > Tabs > Dynamic Terms > Tabs > Dynamic Terms garbage collection bug
Fix: "Remove Icon" text in menu item settings panel


v3.8.2 March 18, 2024

Feature: Image Portal Default Content
Feature: Responsive Toggle ARIA Label, with dynamic {{menu_title}} tag to display target menu title.
Feature: Ability to use {{menu_title}} tag in Responsive Toggle Content setting
Enhancement: Ensure support for Appearance > Menus screen on FSE themes
Enhancement: For fixed toggle, raise z-index and offset by admin bar height
Enhancement: Move Submenu Footer Content from absolute to relative positioning below mobile breakpoint
Enhancement: Close all submenus when mobile menu is toggled closed
Enhancement: Option for aria-haspopup
Update: Add Twitter X icon
Update: PHP 8.2 Dynamic Property deprecation
Update: Google Maps API to latest requirements, async, callback, advanced marker library, map ID
Update: Remove deprecated "unbind()" jQuery function (only applicable when using Remove Conflicts Setting)
Update: Remove deprecated jQuery functions from admin scripts
Fix: Radios with descriptions appearing as "Array" in Customizer


v3.8.1 February 8, 2023

Fix: UberMenu Elementor widget not displaying for users running older versions of PHP


v3.8 February 2, 2023

Feature: Enhanced Keyboard accessibility modes: Enter, Spacebar, or Focus to open submenus.  General keyboard accessibility improvements.
Feature: ubermenu_item_atts filter for nav menu item attributes control
Feature: ubermenu_row_atts filter for control over row UL attributes
Feature: Dynamic Terms tree replication to n levels
Experimental Feature: Image Portal
Enhancement: Revert mobile menu to closed state on page-back navigation (configurable setting)
Enhancement: Allow empty alt tags for decorative images, set autofill alt setting to off by default
Enhancement: Allow custom classes on Tabs blocks
Enhancement: Localize WooCommerce Cart Summery Count Labels for translation
Update: Updated deprecated Elementor functions and hooks to use new versions
Fix: Description for WooCommerce Dynamic Terms Featured Image Setting
Fix: Error in Lite Mode with accessing Sandbox URL
Fix: Set icons to inline instead of inline-block when in inline icon mode
Fix: Add existence checks for properties corner case
Fix: Lazy load images only on specific instance


v3.7.8 April 4, 2022

Enhancement: Allow Dynamic Posts parent inheritance to pass through Tabs
WPML: Re-add configuration file for syncing meta fields


v3.7.7 February 8, 2022

Enhancement: Completely rewrite Gutenberg block with updated API
Enhancement: Raise z-index of fixed position responsive toggle
Enhancement: Optional ubermenu-ignore-empty-tab class for ignoring tabs that have no submenus when hovering out
Enhancement: Access to current walker via UberMenu class object
Update: Font Awesome v5.15.4
Fix: Non-submenu tab toggle closing when tabs are in click trigger
Fix: Switch add_action to add_filter for WPML language switcher submenus


v3.7.6 November 23, 2021

Restore compatibility with jQuery v1.1x (current WordPress uses jQuery v3.6.0)


v3.7.5 November 22, 2021

Feature: WPML 4.5.1+ Menu Sync support
Feature: Add WPML language form field support to UberMenu search form
Feature: Add styles for WPML language switcher
Feature: Add WPML language selector submenu type switch
Feature: Filter for WPML menu sync fields
Feature: Add setting to control single vs multiple mobile accordion submenu folding
Feature: Add setting to customize modal mobile menu close button content
Feature: Add ubermenu_submenu_type filter
Enhancement: Localize missing strings
Enhancement: Add close_icon argument to UberMenu toggle shortcode
Enhancement: Close tab content panel when hovering tabs with no children
Security Enhancement: Add new 'Update URI' field to plugin header
Update: Remove deprecated get_terms() function calls


v3.7.4 June 7, 2021

Feature: WPML Menu Sync Compatibility
Feature: Fixed mobile toggle injection option
Feature: Autocomplete option for search input in shortcode 
Enhancement: When using vertical stretch with unbound submenus, reposition menus when menu size changes to ensure proper alignment
Enhancement: Add HTML comments to Theme Template Backtrace, show plugin in addition to theme steps
Enhancement: Improve Control Panel tab overflow handling with many configurations
Accessibility: Mobile modal focus, trap focus within modal when open, return focus when closed
Accessibility: When closing a submenu with Escape key, return focus to next item
Update: Use new get_terms() format
Fix: Individual item content alignment for top level items when using flex layout
Fix: Set proper submenu indicator alignment when using "edge" option with Vertical Stretch (flex)
Fix: Ensure ScrollTo links redirect properly on mobile 


v3.7.3 January 11, 2021

Feature: Global Menu Item Settings deletion
Enhancement: Add ubermenu_background_image_size filter
Enhancement: Localize modal mobile menu close button text
Enhancement: Check for menu existence when generating title attribute
Enhancement: Remove window.load console notice due to jQuery 3 asynchronous document ready execution
Update: jQuery remove deprecated .bind() call
Update: PHP 8 Compatibility
Update: Remove deprecated WooCommerce function check
Fix: Add group class to dynamic terms and posts submenus for compatibility with background images


v3.7.2 August 19, 2020

Enhancement: Display line numbers in Theme Template Backtrace
Enhancement: Replace × character with Font Awesome times icon in modal menu close button
Enhancement: Automatically disable top level item margins when in modal mobile mode
Update: Make Black & White skin default to match demo
Fix: Gracefully handle invalid term IDs in Dynamic Posts View All links
Fix: Prevent image distortion in WooCommerce featured image layouts on mobile
Fix: Badge/image layering on webkit mobile browsers in certain layouts
Fix: Gracefully handle invalid image assignments (e.g. for deleted images)


v3.7.1 July 29, 2020

Feature: Accordion mobile submenu dropdown indentation
Enhancement: Improve support for accordion in inline mobile mode
Enhancement: Improve modal mobile close button positioning when browser footer tools are displayed
Enhancement: Add support for top level item descriptions when using vertical stretch mode
Enhancement: Support grid submenu option in stack submenus within tab content panel
Fix: Top level item image spacing when using vertical stretch mode


v3.7.0.1 July 1, 2020

Compatibility Fix: support for older PHP versions (syntax error)


v3.7 July 1, 2020

Feature: Modal Mobile Menu 
Feature: Header & Footer content for mobile modal menu
Feature: Accordion Mobile Submenu 
Feature: WooCommerce Product Item Layouts, with price and sale badge
Feature: WooCommerce Category Images, including for Dynamic Terms
Feature: Badges, with custom colors an positioning
Feature: Dynamic Terms - Meta Order sort (WooCommerce Product Categories)
Feature: Javascript events: ubermenu-resize-desktop and ubermenu-resize-mobile
Feature: Dynamic class flags: ubermenu-desktop-view, ubermenu-mobile-view
Feature: Essential SVG icons 
Feature: Top Level Item Vertical Stretch (flex)
Enhancement: Default responsive toggle type to button for accessibility
Enhancement: Grid submenu option for tab content panels
Enhancement: Option to autofill img alt attribute with image title
Update: Font Awesome v5.13
Accessibility: Collapse mobile menu with escape key


v3.6.1 September 26, 2019

Feature: Toggle X close icon option
Enhancement: Highlight current ScrollTo links on page load
Enhancement: Tab content panel content alignment support
Enhancement: Support large numbers of taxonomies in Dynamic Posts, as well as filter for precise control
Enhancement: Show user message if no permission to search files in the Residual Styling detector
Enhancement: RTL alignment options
Enhancement: Better RTL layout in menu item settings and control panel
Update: Font Awesome 5.11.2
Fix: Ensure fonts are initialized early enough (hook priority corner case)
Fix: Ensure trigger overrides are applied only to exact items (nested tabs non-toggle hover issue)
Fix: Ensure Google Maps API only loaded when shortcode in use
Fix: Clear license data and status messages when extension licenses are removed


v3.6.0.1 June 12, 2019

Fix: static variable access notice


v3.6 June 11, 2019

Feature: Elementor support - add an UberMenu widget within your Elementor layout
Feature: Submenu search bar autofocus (enabled by default)
Feature: Locate theme template backtrace
Enhancement: Range of accessibility improvements
Enhancement: Add column alignment control to Rows
Enhancement: Added UBERMENU_JS_IN_FOOTER constant to allow moving JS to header
Enhancement: RTL improvements
Enhancement: PHP 7.3 compatibility (edge case in updater)
Enhancement: Tab dropdown dropdshadow on mobile
Enhancement: Update to Font Awesome 5.9
Fix: Font Awesome JS Shim URL
Fix: Eliminate Gutenberg block dependency on front-end
Fix: Extension status display for Conditionals and Icons
Fix: Right tab indicator angles


v3.5 December 11, 2018

Feature: UberMenu Gutenberg block
Feature: WooCommerce cart info shortcode
Enhancement: Added numeric values for font weight Customizer controls
Enhancement: Previous version was already PHP 7.2 compatible, but this removes false alarm warnings in "compatibility checkers" 
Enhancement: Better RTL support in Rows
Enhancement: Add top level dynamic item override constant
Enhancement: Update Font Awesome to v5.5
Fix: Typo in Dynamic Items No Results setting descriptions
Fix: Proper custom color clearing in Customizer


v3.4.1.1 July 31, 2018

Fix: Make sure submenu retractor icons get the correct tag (span/i)


v3.4.1 July 31, 2018

Feature: Added new Top Level Item Alignment setting option: Flex (Justify)
Feature: Experimental setting to exclude UberMenu Advanced Items from non-UberMenus
Feature: Google Maps API Language and Region settings
Feature: Tab Toggles Font Weight Customizer setting
Feature: Provide term_order as a sort order option for Dynamic Terms
Feature: Setting to ignore empty results for Dynamic Terms and Dynamic Posts
Feature: Added ability to switch off custom content and widget areas
Update: Font Awesome 5.2
Accessibility: Give disabled-link tab toggles focus when tabbing if they have tab content panels
Enhancement: Make sure Icon Tag setting applies to all icons (submenu toggles, responsive toggle burger, etc), not just individual item icons
Enhancement: Remove gaps between automatic columns below 480px
Enhancement: Better adjacent tab block layering on mobile
Enhancement: Better RTL support for submenu indicators
Enhancement: Add Font Awesome 5 Pro font family to font stack for admin bar icons
Enhancement: Improved menu item limit warning with additional tips
Fix: Icons layout in Residual Styling Detection Tool


v3.4.0.1 April 3, 2018

Enhancement: Improve compatibility with plugins/themes still using Font Awesome 4
Enhancement: PHP 7.2 compatibility (changes to PHP count() function)
Fix: Row item custom CSS classes only allowed 1 class previously, now all will be added


v3.4 March 8, 2018

Feature: Font Awesome 5 - both Font and SVG icons
Feature: Optional submenu indicator close button for easier submenu toggling on mobile
Feature: Ability to set background color for individual Columns
Feature: Show Current Panel setting for Tabs block (previously required setting multiple settings to achieve)
Feature: Add ubermenu_dt_subcontent filter
Feature: Added Font Awesome Icon Title setting for menu items (accessibility)
Feature: Icon Nudge setting for tweaking vertical alignment
Feature: Top Level Menu Item Alignment option: Automatic - switches based on language direction
Feature: Plugin Compatibility panel, option which automatically disables the interfering Menu Image plugin
Feature: Added ~50 new icons to core plugin
Enhancement: RTL improvements
Enhancement: Automatically disable current item classes on ScrollTo items (can be disabled in Control Panel)
Enhancement: Change backup file name pattern to custom_{DATE}.css/js
Enhancement: (Layout) Don't allow image layouts to be applied if image is not set
Enhancement: Remove empty submenus from unbalanced dynamic items setup
Enhancement: Disable advanced Custom Defaults setting by default to avoid misuse (can be enabled in Control Panel)
Compatibility: Alter 'nav_menu_css_class' filter call
Compatibility: Make Sandbox run even if other scripts are calling filters too early
Fix: Corner case loop on backup process if server write access not set up properly


v3.3.1.1 Nov 18, 2017

Fix: CSS fix for browser rendering bug in latest Chrome, which occurred when using Slide Reveal submenu transition and browser did not animate min-height properly
Fix: Typo
Fix: Edge case font warning
Fix: Edge case no offset parent in theme when centering unbounded submenus


v3.3.1 August 24, 2017

Feature: Prefix Booster
Feature: Sandbox Viewer
Feature: Configurable Accessibility (ARIA roles, controls, and states)
Feature: Added Extensions Panel
Enhancement: Improved keyboard accessibility 
Enhancement: New Diagnostic Tools checks
Enhancement: Added back-end link to Diagnostics Tool
Enhancement: Improve mouse interactions for Tabs when using hover trigger on narrow viewport


v3.3 July 10, 2017

Feature: Dynamic Tab Sizing option
Feature: New Minimal Base skin as a skeleton for customizing
Feature: Custom styles settings for Dynamic Terms
Feature: Added Anchor Class functionality to Dynamic Posts and Dynamic Terms
Feature: Customizable Empty Results Message for Dynamic Terms and Dynamic Posts
Feature: Submenu Column Divider settings for Rows
Feature: Top Level Line Height Customizer setting
Feature: Description Hover Color Customizer setting
Feature: Tab Toggle Current background and color states Customizer settings
Enhancement: Only load Google Maps API when shortcode is used.
Enhancement: Set Force Filter Settings to enabled by default to combat theme filters
Enhancement: Add depth parameter to nav_menu_item_id filter
Enhancement: Force all Tab submenus to be Tab Content Panels
Enhancement: Added Dynamic Posts identifying classes to individual post items
Enhancement: Override WordPress defaults to make sure Number/Limit parameter is enforced with nested Dynamic Terms
Enhancement: Force padding-right to 0 when using grid submenus even if custom item padding is set
Enhancement: Allow Tab Toggles that do not have children to act as normal links
Fix: Padding jump when closing submenu when using Submenu Padding setting
Fix: View All custom link displaying 1 in corner case
Fix: Submenus in dropdowns, fix overflow when using multiple levels to prevent overlap triggering
Fix: Flyout submenu alignment issue when using shift transition


v3.2.7 February 6, 2017

Feature: Added Submenu Item Layout menu item setting as a default to control child item layouts
Feature: Added Submenu Item Content Alignment menu item setting as a default to control child item content alignments
Feature: Top Level Responsive Columns setting (set to 2 or 1 for tablets)
Enhancement: Rename Submenu Content Alignment setting to Submenu Column Alignment for clarity
Enhancement: Add load screens to Residual Styling Detector for better user experience
Enhancement: Clarify some setting descriptions
Enhancement: Reorganize JS script to better handle sites that are using asynchronous/deferred JS loading
Enhancement: RTL styles for search bar button
Fix: Resolve closed submenu inadvertent triggering, remove submenu in-transition class properly for advanced submenus (those with rows)
Fix: Set Automatic Columns class correctly if "1" is selected
Fix: Eliminated annoying flash in menu item settings panel when moving cursor from settings panel to menu item.
Fix: Restore Flyout Items Vertical Padding setting


v3.2.6 January 18, 2017

Feature: Auto-updates for UberMenu Extensions
Feature: Left/right/escape key menu accessibility for keyboard users
Feature: Tab Toggle font size setting in Customizer
Feature: Responsive toggle padding and font weight Customizer settings
Feature: Column Header background, current and hover color settings in Customizer
Feature: Global Item Image Layout default setting
Feature: Add filter for out-of-the-box compatibility with Conditional Menus by Themify
Feature: Ability to set custom class for custom content wrapper
Feature: Ability to set post type in search form
Enhancement: Add Submenu Bounds setting to Customizer
Enhancement: Better combat certain residual styling from themes
Enhancement: Improve jQuery 3 compatibility
Enhancement: Improved Control Panel descriptions
Enhancement: PHP 7.1 compatibility
Update: Font Awesome 4.7
Fix: Submenu indicator alignment setting (edge vs text) when padding is not explicitly set
Fix: Adjust top level item padding for custom content items via customizer
Fix: Localization namespace typo


v3.2.5 June 1, 2016 

Feature: ubermenu_anchor_attributes filter allows for greater control over anchor tag attributes
Feature: Allow shortcodes within responsive toggle content
Feature: Text transform setting for Column Headers
Enhancement: Allow use of Google Maps API Key
Enhancement: Improved inverted submenus
Enhancement: Detect and avoid invalid hashtag selectors
Enhancement: Updated to Font Awesome 4.6.3 for compatibility
Enhancement: Temporarily hide custom URL field for dynamic items
Fix: When responsiveness is disabled in settings, properly size tabs below the breakpoint


v3.2.4 March 10, 2016

Feature: Automatic Updates now enabled by default
Feature: Option to use single-column top level item layout at tablet widths
Feature: Align submenu content left right or center within full width submenu
Feature: New Customizer settings - Normal Item Font Weight, Text Transform, and Underline on Hover
Feature: New Customizer setting - Top Level Item Border Radius
Feature: Dynamic Term Descriptions setting to inherit term descriptions
Enhancement: RTL style improvements
Enhancement: Allow tab submenus to be disabled on mobile
Enhancement: Use fallback script in Menus screen if another theme or plugin throws a JS error
Enhancement: Link to Residual Styling Detection Tool in admin panel
Enhancement: Improve Diagnostics item box positioning
Fix: Responsive Toggle Tags JS issue if tag is not set to default anchor


v3.2.3 February 10, 2016

Feature: Added Residual Styling Detection/Manual Integration locator tool 
Feature: Added support for auto column settings within Menu Segments
Enhancement: Improved Diagnostics Tool UI
Enhancement: Better alignment when using auto-columns below submenu headers
Enhancement: Force-filter menu segments to override theme filters when necessary
Enhancement: Improved vertical menu responsive functionality
Enhancement: Added link to annotated custom skin in custom-sample-skin.css
Enhancement: Change "instance" to "Configuration" in Menu Item Settings for clarity
Enhancement: Change update check to 24 hours
Fix: Vertical submenu indicators for disabled links
Fix: Add responsive toggled open class to toggle when opened
Fix: Cron scheduling issue
Security hardening


v3.2.2.1 December 11, 2015

Fix: For users with Custom Breakpoints, setting was blocking custom styles application


v3.2.2 December 8, 2015

Feature: Responsive Images (WordPress 4.4+)
Feature: Submenu min height setting
Feature: Collapse menu bar on ScrollTo setting
Feature: Disable UberMenu on Mobile setting
Feature: Disable Top Level Item Dividers setting
Feature: Disable Custom Menus Panel Walker setting
Feature: Disable Dynamic Posts Author Selection setting
Enhancement: Tweak Control Panel styles for WordPress 4.4
Enhancement: Allow parent term selector to pass through Column and Row items with Dynamic Posts
Enhancement: Provide console warning if multiple item types are detected in Menus Panel (from theme custom walker)
Enhancement: Prevent users from being able to create conflicting menu configuration IDs
Enhancement: Automatically disable auto-columns feature if there are no child items
Enhancement: Detect settings load failure and display suggestion notice
Enhancement: Add new WordPress 4.4 nav_menu_item_args filter and UBERMENU_ALLOW_NAV_MENU_ITEM_ARGS_FILTER constant to enable it
Enhancement: Remove sensor parameter from Google Maps, as it is no longer needed
Enhancement: Force hide submenus on mobile when menu is collapsed 
Enhancement: Update Font Awesome to v4.5.0
Fix: Adjust flight submenu clipping so that left-flying submenus can expand beyond 2 levels
Fix: Submenu overlap when using vertical-aligned parent submenu position on vertical-oriented menu on mobile with flyout submenus
Fix: _() to __() to avoid extra argument warning in admin-only notice of misconfiguration
Fix: Add CSS style case to correct padding when using a mini item when submenu indicators are disabled


v3.2.1.1 September 15, 2015

Fix: Missing argument PHP warning in Control Panel for some users
Fix: When using Dynamic Posts with Automatic Columns and View All link enabled, make sure the View All link clears properly


v3.2.1 September 9, 2015

Feature: Ability to set submenu dividers
Feature: Automatically divide second level items into columns (without headers)
Feature: Menu Segment caching via transients
Feature: Added menu bar orientation, alignment, item alignment settings to Customizer
Feature: Added responsive toggle button settings for font size, content alignment, button alignment in Customizer
Feature: Added Flyout divider color setting in Customizer
Feature: Added Search bar font size setting in Customizer
Feature: Added Top Padding setting for image item text, globally and in Customizer
Feature: Added ubermenutoggledopen and ubermenutoggledclose events to javascript API
Feature: Added ability to disable current menu item classes on individual items
Feature: Added 3 filters for menu item images
Feature: Added Font Family property to Customizer
Feature: Added new Google Fonts: Slabo, Titillium Web, Oxygen, Noto Sans, Cabin, Vollkorn
Feature: Added current menu item highlighting when clicking scrollTo elements in the menu
Feature: Added ubermenu_dp_title filter
Feature: Added setting to switch icons from i to span tags
Feature: Added setting to disable autocomplete in dynamic items; sites with huge numbers of terms or posts may not be able to handle it
Feature: Automatically hide active tabs when resized below the breakpoint, re-initialize above breakpoint
Feature: Added .ubermenu-responsive-toggle-open class to responsive toggle when the menu is open
Enhancement: Prevent touch off close from closing menu when user is scrolling rather than tapping
Enhancement: Updated Font Awesome to v4.4
Enhancement: Added walker_nav_menu_start_el filter
Enhancement: Sort fonts alphabetically
Enhancement: Replace deprecated .size() with .length in ubermenu.js for improved performance and compatibility with jQuery 2
Enhancement: Have submenu indicators inherit colors by default to avoid residual styling from theme
Enhancement: Changed “Assign Image on Save” to “Assign Featured Image on Save” for clarity
Enhancement: Added “Top Level Terms Only” option to Parent Term setting for Dynamic Terms
Enhancement: Added reset for inner menu text alignment to inherit
Enhancement: Clarified “UberMenu Loading” message and updated link to new FAQ
Enhancement: Allow custom menu item class to appear on Row items
Enhancement: Handle non-standard arguments passed in nav_menu_args array by WPML
Enhancement: Make Customizer :hover setting work on submenu hover
Enhancement: Allow HTML to be saved in Content Before Menu setting
Enhancement: Don’t display menu item limit warning if Suhosin values are set to 0
Enhancement: Make horizontal item alignment setting apply to vertical menus as well
Enhancement: Remove custom menu styles when menu configuration is deleted
Enhancement: Align centered items left on mobile
Enhancement: Allow tabs to toggle submenus on mobile
Enhancement: Apply scroll to offset on redirected page links
Fix: Remove comments from responsive LESS stylesheet
Fix: localized domain on search shortcake placeholder
Fix: Added ubermenu-clear-row class
Fix: Tab sizing occurring several pixels above breakpoint


v3.2.0.2 April 23, 2015

Feature: Handle term splitting in WordPress 4.2
Enhancement: Attempt to override any pointer-events CSS declarations from theme that might interfere with menu functionality
Enhancement: Make mini items display inline below primary breakpoint
Enhancement: Cast term ID as integer as older PHP versions don't interpret vars properly
Fix: When centering a drop down submenu within submenu, position relative to outer submenu
Fix: When item padding is disabled, still account for submenu indicators
Fix: For vertical menus with relatively positioned submenus, properly layer items when active


v3.2.0.1 March 31, 2015

Fix: Memory leak when update info isn't set


v3.2 March 31, 2015

Feature: Custom URL Override (which will process shortcodes)
Feature: Ability to show "View All" link at the end of Dynamic Posts lists
Feature: Customizer - Tab controls (toggle, color, content panels)
Feature: Customizer - top level item background color and margin
Feature: Setting to add content before the menu
Feature: Filter for configuration ID
Feature: Filter for content after dynamic posts
Feature: Filter for content after dynamic terms
Feature: Filter for Dynamic Terms images
Feature: (Experimental) Added RTL CSS to main stylesheet
Feature: (Experimental) Added setting to force current submenus open full time
Feature: (Experimental) Added setting to invert submenus
Enhancement: Update to Font Awesome 4.3
Enhancement: Automatically set image padding on Dynamic Posts when using a custom image size
Enhancement: Ability to disable Knowledgebase Search in the Control Panel
Enhancement: Add alignment setting to widget items
Enhancement: Allow submenu scrolling setting (disabled by default due to Chrome browser rendering bug)
Enhancement: Modified responsive Tabs functionality for better UX on mobile
Enhancement: Replaced wp_is_mobile() with filterable ubermenu_is_mobile()
Enhancement: Allow descriptions in tab items setting
Enhancement: suppress_filters = false when WPML is detected for Dynamic Items
Enhancement: Added manual integration descriptions in Control Panel
Enhancement: Customizer - added Trigger and Transition settings
Enhancement: Add descriptions to controls in Customizer
Enhancement: Customizer - set top level divider for vertical orientation
Enhancement: Added scroll to event triggers, close submenu automatically on scroll to completion
Enhancement: Added basic readme
Enhancement: Don't print diagnostics script when disabled; ensure loaded after jQuery
Enhancement: Don't remove padding on bottom of stacks in columns
Enhancement: Update Support button for new support system
Enhancement: Added tooltip about 100 item limit to custom taxonomies/post types
Enhancement: Strip tags on item in autocomplete ops
Enhancement: More reliable menu item type determination in admin panel
Enhancement: Don't remove box shadow on first item in vertical menu
Fix: Add debug bar panel for helper files to prevent error when Debug Bar plugin is installed
Fix: Prevent submenu scrolling when using custom breakpoints
Fix: Localization in search placeholder text
Fix: Automatically remove custom item styles when item is deleted
Fix: Display widget areas with a single widget at full width
Fix: Prevent max submenu height setting from causing scroll on mobile


v3.1.1 December 17, 2014

Feature: Dynamic sub content, including date, author, and excerpt, as well as custom content filter
Feature: Transparent menu bar Customizer setting
Feature: Item-specific custom settings for current item color and background
Feature: Create ShiftNav toggle with menu item via Menu Item Settings
Feature: Update alerts (automatic updates coming in future release)
Enhancement: Support http/https switching for background images via protocol-relative URLs
Enhancement: Sort Customizer settings into sub panels
Enhancement: Add troubleshooter link to Control Panel
Enhancement: Sanitize inner menu IDs in case theme use improper theme location slugs
Enhancement: Detect and set border radius on left-aligned top level items
Enhancement: Set proper padding on Dynamic menu items with left or right aligned images
Enhancement: Add JS fallback for Control Panel in case other plugins throw errors
Enhancement: Update JS detection as Windows Mobile 8.1 adds Android in user agent string
Fix: Properly inherit responsive breakpoint submenu shift
Fix: Dynamic Items inherit submenu column defaults from grandparents only in Tab blocks
Fix: IE9 javascript console issue
Fix: Icons Extension index collision with Icon display setting


v3.1.0.1 October 15, 2014

Enhancement: Add slugs to Dynamic Terms and Dynamic Posts custom taxonomies UI (in addition to their labels)
Enhancement: Check for Google Maps API in Diagnostics
Enhancement: Prevent Visual Composer CSS from overriding UberMenu's Control Panel styles
Fix: Submenu link clicking in Internet Explorer 11


v3.1 October 12, 2014

Feature: UberMenu Diagnostics System (Alpha)
Feature: ScrollTo Duration setting
Feature: Indent Submenu menu item setting
Feature: Import/Export Configuration settings
Enhancement: Include .pot file for translating
Enhancement: Migration "No, Thanks" dismissal now performed via AJAX to avoid unwanted redirection to Control Panel
Enhancement: Precent tooltip titles from being printed on Dynamic Terms
Updated link to Menu Item Limit FAQ in UberMenu 3 Knowledgebase
Fix: Replace second Night Sky skin with Charcoal (mislabeling)
Fix: Dynamic Items Tag parameter when not inheriting
Fix: Properly handle explicit Headers with descriptions
Fix: Hidden responsive toggle when using Sticky Extension with custom breakpoint
Fix: Overflow transitions on fade and shift when content is greater than max height


v3.0.5 September 28, 2014

Feature: Scroll To Offset
Feature: Disable Images on Mobile
Feature: Clear Menu Item Settings
Feature: Lazy Load submenu images (experimental)
Feature: Show item's submenu by default
Enhancement: Improved auto-column distribution algorithm for Dynamic Items
Enhancement: Resize Tab heights when sizing from mobile to desktop
Enhancement: Disable Auto Row if Submenu Column Default isn't set
Fix: Prevent Max Menu Height setting from overriding collapsed mobile menu height when using a custom breakpoint
Fix: Include items without submenus in selector for setting individual item hover state color


v3.0.4.1 (September 22, 2014)

Display dimensions next to Image Size options
Added Welcome Window usability message for when other plugins interfere with bad JS
Refine Direct Injection
Add support for Safari 5 (disable transitions)
Add support for click trigger on mobile Firefox for Android
Add support for Tab toggling in non-standard Android browsers
Fix: Column width inheritance for Tabs
Fix: Individual padding setting for normal items


v3.0.4 (September 14, 2014)

Feature: Added Exclude setting to Dynamic Terms
Feature: Added Exclude setting to Dynamic Posts
Feature: Disable CSS filtering (from plugins that strip core functionality)
Feature: Setting to display icons inline instead of block
Feature: Direct Injection Testing
Developers: Added Dynamic Term arguments filter
Enhancement: Improved handling in Windows 8 where both mouse and touch screen are present
Enhancement: Improved handling on Firefox for Android
Support for force filtering for PHP API as well as automatic integration
Fix: Proper clearance when both top retractors are enabled
Fix: Submenu Background Size setting


v3.0.3.2 (September 5, 2014) - WordPress 4.0 Compatibility 

Updates for Dynamic Posts, now that WordPress core functionality has changed


v3.0.3.1 (September 3, 2014)

Fix: Priority collision which hid Layout tab on normal Menu Item Settings


v3.0.3 (August 31, 2014)

Feature: Setting to configure Retractor/Close label
Feature: Submenu Column Default for Column Items
Feature: Intelligent submenu layout detection for Columns
Feature: Flyout Item Spacing Customizer setting
Feature: Force Styles option for creating custom skins
Feature: (Experimental) Added setting to allow drop downs within mega submenus
Enhancement: Added Responsive, Mobile, and Touch strategies for retractor display
Enhancement: Added active state for flyout items through Customizer
Enhancement: Only display focus state after user has pressed the Tab key
Enhancement: Remove extra Header spacing when border is removed
Enhancement: Added Widget Area Manager access through Widgets section to make it easier to find
Enhancement: Added object ID parameter to custom item layout filter
Enhancement: Escape HTML attributes
Enhancement: Sanitize theme locations for menu ID
Enhancement: Add overrides for link_before and link_after
Fix: Responsive toggle selector specificity in Customizer
Fix: Proper handling of auto row when top retractor is present
Fix: Grandparent inheritance of submenu column defaults for Menu Segments
Fix: Remove pixel offset when no border is set and on Fade transition


v3.0.2 (August 17, 2014)

Enhanced non-standard Android browser compatibility
Enhanced Windows Phone browser compatibility
Added vertical menu full height flyout submenu support
Make Close button translatable
Improved Sticky wrapper responsive handling
Hover state appears regardless of touch
Fix: allow unprefixed custom classes
Fix: IE8 image sizing media query escape character
Fix: allow font weight setting to override Google Font global setting


v3.0.1 (August 5, 2014)

Feature: Ability to switch responsive toggle tag to anchor, span, div, or button
Feature: Menu Bar Margin-top and Margin-bottom settings in Control Panel
Refined: Icon-only positioning
Refined: Mobile submenu scrolling for Android rendering
Fix: Skin selection in Customizer
Fix: Proper drop shadow clipping for horizontal vs vertical


v3.0 (August 3, 2014)

Complete rewrite of UberMenu from the ground up.  Detailed change log coming soon.


v2.4.0.3 (January 16, 2014)

Re-added filtering to UberMenu Direct & Easy Integration to avoid settings overwrite from other plugins
Fixed Easy Integration Shortcode return output issue (for use in widgets)


v2.4.0.2 (December 20, 2013)

Refined Theme Location Instance functionality to better handle multiple menu scenarios


v2.4.0.1 (December 20, 2013)

Added ability to target specific instance of theme location (helpful for themes with responsive menus with duplicate theme_locations)
Added ability to disable Control Panel Search 
Fixed title attribute bug for timthumb images (only affected customers using timthumb in


v2.4.0.0 Feature Update (December 18, 2013)

Improved Android touch functionality
Improved Windows 8 Touch functionality
Updated media uploader for thumbnail selection
Disabled admin update notifications, which caused slow admin if cURL was not configured
Updated Support Guide link
Allow HTML in descriptions
Use WP's packaged hoverIntent
Updated timthumb (note: there was no security risk)
Ability to disable img tag title attributes
Fixed backface-visibility issue with old Firefox/Windows
Updated tour


v2.3.2.2 (September 9, 2013)

Added support for UberMenu Icons Extension
Added ability to disable image title tooltips
Minor CSS tweaks


v2.3.2.1 (August 20, 2013)

Fixed broken Style Generator Preview caused by new colorpickers.  Update only necessary if you are using the Style Generator and need Preview functionality


v2.3.2.0 (August 19, 2013)

Replaced Color Picker with WordPress standard color picker
Updated iOS close button functionality to work with latest jQuery
Optimized thumbnail size when not using timthumb
Change enqueue script hook
Added ability to align flyout submenu to right
Added map marker for lat/lng


v2.3.1.1 (August 2, 2013)

Resolved Strict Warnings that appear in PHP 5.4 + WordPress 3.6
Added php.ini path notice to max_input_vars warning for convenience
Resolved Content Override escaped quotes issue for customers still using Magic Quotes
Added first menu item hover border radius for style generator


v2.3.1.0 Minor Feature Update (July 16, 2013)

Tested with WordPress 3.6 Release Candidate
Updated resource links
Updated tour tips
CSS Tweaks
Control Panel interface tweaks
uberMenu_direct shortcode
Pulled out responsive breakpoints into config.less file
Added ability to customize Search and Go text in search bar shortcode
Added Search Bar style settings to Style Generator


v2.3.0.2 Enhancements & minor bug fix (April 21, 2013)

Added ability to add or strip reset styles from non-UberMenu-generated divs and spans
Added ability to disable iOS close button functionality
Improved iPad functionality under "Click" trigger
Added POT file
Fixed CSS issue with responsive menu bars button


v2.3.0.1 Bug fixes (April 13, 2013)

Fixed Timthumb path bug
Fixed Easy Integration Shortcode bug


v2.3.0.0 Feature update (April 11, 2013)

Updated Search Box Styling
Ability to name custom widget areas
Improved localization
Added ability to include custom javascript
Ability to disable updates
Separated basic.css into LESS stylesheets for easier customization
Improved compatibility with nested plugin styles
Improved Windows 8 Mobile touch compatibility
Fixed minor skin bugs
Please be sure to read the upgrade notes - http://sevenspark.com/announcements/ubermenu-2-3-released-important-upgrade-notes


v2.2.2.0 Forward-compatibility upgrade (January 24, 2013)

Added jQuery 1.9 compatibility (will be required for WordPress 3.6)
Fix for jQuery hidden overflow bug with border-box box-sizing
Updated Timthumb (note: there was NO security risk with the previous version)


v2.2.1.0 - Feature Release & Improve Admin Efficiency (January 15, 2013)

Fix: Increased admin javascript efficiency for WordPress 3.5/jQuery 1.8
New Feature: Ability to set Hover color for Second Level Links (Submenu Header Links) in Style Generator
Improvement: Updated alt and title attributes for recent post short code images
Improvement: Changed default image size from 25 to 16


v2.2.0.0 - Compatibility and Feature Release (December 12, 2012)

WordPress 3.5 compatible (only issue was updating the Administrative Tool Tip Tour Script for jQuery 1.8 compatibility).
Added mobile menu interface to all iOS devices (easier closing of menu)
Smart image-text padding


v2.1.0.0 - Feature Release (August 22, 2012)

Enhanced responsive capabilities, with collapse option
Enhanced submenu detection for flyout menus
Enhanced submenu controls for mobile devices
Improved responsive theme handling to avoid duplicating mega menu
Various CSS enhancements


v2.0.2.1 (June 14, 2012)

Fixed update alert error on front end


v2.0.2.0 (June 13, 2012)

Ability to center menu items within menu bar
Various CSS and JS refinements
Revised menu item options to use a single variable (increases menu item limit imposed by PHP)
Added update notifications


v2.0.1.0 (February 14, 2012)

Enhancement: easy centering of menu bar
Enhancement: Android force-click option (emulates iOS on touch screens)
Fix: "Are you sure you want to do that" nonce-collisions in Control Panel
Now allows use of "No Link" + Content Override + Images all together
Fix: Form element clicking in Chrome using new basic "hover" trigger
Added ability to have transparent dividers and set glow to 0 in Style Generator


v2.0.0.1 (February 10, 2012)

Added compatibility with other plugins that use lessphp
Improved compatibility with plugins that don't use jQuery closures properly.


v2.0 (February 9, 2012)

Biggest update ever.  Complete rewrite.  See what's new here: http://sevenspark.com/wordpress-plugins/responsive-wordpress-mega-menu


v1.1.4 (December 13, 2011)

WordPress 3.3 Compatibility for featured images & other minor enhancements.  At a minimum, upgrade requires:


However, it is recommended to upgrade the entire package together.  Be sure to back up first, especially custom styles!


v1.1.3 (August 3, 2011)

Security Upgrade & Minor Enhancements

Updated to latest TimThumb (security patch)
Prevent superfluous UberMenu JS from loading in admin area
Menu thumbnail SSL support
Miscellaneous enhancements


v1.1.2 (March 29, 2011)

Use UberMenu in text widgets, improved widget alignment, and better support for non-standard compliant themes.

New uberMenu Easy Integration Shortcode allows use of UberMenu in text widgets
Even better support for themes that don't follow WP coding standards with jQuery
Improved alignment of widget areas
Fixed Opera positioning bug
Recent Posts shortcode image fix


v1.1.1 (March 2, 2011)

Added control panel option switch in and out of jQuery noConflict mode to better support themes that don't follow WP coding standards.


v1.1 - Major Update  (Feb 25, 2011)

11 New Style Presets
Increased out-of-the-box compatibility with complex themes
Top level widget capabilty - add a search box widget to your menu bar!
Auto Align second-level menu items option
Easy Integration Support for themes that don't natively support WP3 Custom Menus
Support for Pure CSS (non-jQuery) menus
Support for image-only menu items  (no text)

There were a variety of changes, so if you are upgrading, be sure to back up your old wp-uber-menu folder before installing the new version 


v1.0.3 (2011-02-04)

Fixes some bugs that occurred with certain theme implementations:

jQuery namespace bug ($ vs jQuery)
Thickbox front-end javascript bug
"Disappearing sidebar" effect that occurs with themes that don't specify a sidebar index/ID
Improved featured image handling - fixed issue that overrode featured image capability with certain themes.


Version 1.0.2 (2011-01-24)
v 1.0.2 makes the Menu Item Image support more robust.  Depending on how the relevant theme is implemented, in certain cases it can keep the plugin from enabling featured images on menu items and vice versa.  This update will fixes that issue by making sure both can work together. 


Version 1.0.1 (2011-01-23)
v1.0.1 fixes an issue with the included shortcodes (columns and recent posts w/ excerpts).  If you are using or intend to use these features, please upgrade  :)  Don't forget to backup your custom.css file if you've made style customizations!


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