The Christmas

Author: YellowDogProductionPrice: $29

Premium Christmas Music

Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!

Step into a magical tale with our Christmas track. Enchanting melodies weave a story of wonder and joy, where believing in the magic of the Cristmas unlocks extraordinary moments on this special day. Let the music transport you to a realm of festive miracles and holiday enchantment.

This track is perfect for Christmas commercial, Christmas movie, Christmas video, Christmas advertisement, Christmas commercial, Christmas vlog, Christmas cartoon, Christmas presentation, YouTube, TV show, Christmas game and more.

This track is presented in two versions:

1. Main Version – 1: 43

2. Short Version – 1: 07

3. Videohive Version – 0: 28

4. Instagram Version – 0: 12

5. Sting Version – 0: 05

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Holiday Music Collection:

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